The height of summer brings with it the bounty of fresh sweet corn. Grilled or boiled, slathered in butter and sprinkled with salt, corn on the cob is a mainstay of cook-out menus. But this “vegetable” can grace your plate in so many other ways. In fact, author and baker Marie Porter once devised an entire day’s worth of corn-based dishes to celebrate her “corn freak” husband’s birthday.
Sweet Corn Spectacular is now an out-of-print sweet corn cookbook that has been completely overhauled and re-released as Maize Craze.
*Sweet Corn Spectacular* displays Porter’s creative and flavor-filled approach to this North American original, making tasty use of corn kernels in the categories of appetizers, condiments, main dishes, beverages, and, of course, dessert. She shares tips for preparing fresh corn, from boiling to steaming to grilling to smoking, and then the fun begins.
Follow her detailed instructions to find sweet and savory success with Corn Soufflé, Roasted Corn and Potato Salad, “Midwest Goes Southwest” Hotdish, Sweet Corn Risotto, Sweet Corn Liqueur, and White Chocolate Sweet Corn Fudge. The recipes will inspire year-round use of this versatile ingredient and tasty experimenting in your own kitchen. As Porter reminds home cooks, the possibilities are endless!
Paperback, 144 pages
Release Date: July 1, 2013
ISBN: 978-0-87351-892-5
Publisher: Minnesota Historical Society Press
Sweet Corn Truffles is just one of many unique - and delicious - recipes included in this book
Cookbook Coverage
Cookbook Review - The Paris Post-Intelligencer, 07/17/13
Sweet Corn Spectacular - Yum.fi, 07/29/13 (Finland!)
New book stirs memories of work at Green Giant plant - Hutchinson Leader, 08/01/13
Make use of your farmers market buys with new corn cookbook - Kare 11, 08/05/13
Sweet Corn, Many Ways, by Marie Porter - The Minneapolis Star Tribune, 08/08/13
Enjoy a Corny Summer – From Beer Battered to Creamy Fudge - Go 60, 08/01/13
Cookbook gets all hot and buttered - Winnipeg Free Press, 08/21/13
6 O'Clock Solution: Perfect time for corn - Montreal Gazette, 08/21/13
Corn hash showcases summer treat - The Vancouver Sun, 08/21/13
Fresh & Local Podcast – Sweet Corn Spectacular - Fresh and Local Podcast, 08/21/13
Sweet Corn Spectacular, Napa Valley Register, 09/02/13
Six O’Clock Solution: It’s the time of the season for corn recipes - Montreal Gazette, 09/04/2013
Sweet Corn Spectacular: A new book on the Midwestern summer bounty - Twin Cities Daily Planet, 09/06/13