This book is available on Amazon, click here to read the reviews, or purchase there.
Mike Myers has been quoted as saying “There is no one more Canadian than a Canadian who no longer lives in Canada”. In my experience - 10 years of living away - that quote is not only true in the general sense, it’s especially true when is comes to Canadian foods.
Canadian expats may be divided by politics, geography, or even regional culture ... But post a photo of a hideous “poutine” you found in an American restaurant to a Canadian Expat group, and you will find 100% agreement that it’s an abomination.
Post about buttertarts, or peameal bacon, and you’re guaranteed a long, wistful discussion about the many foods we miss from the motherland. Sure, some may be anti-raisin weirdos (I kid!) when it comes to buttertarts, but - in general - Canadian food is the great equalizer, a very popular topic of discussion, and a bonding experience.
When it comes to Canadian cookbooks, there are many out there. There are Canadian cookbooks about specific regions, there are Canadian cookbooks that encompass most/all regions. There are Canadian cookbooks that focus on specific ingredients, books that tell stories, and more. There are many, many buttertart recipes out there, and even more recipes for making tourtiere... but there were no Canadian cookbooks that focus on Canadians that are not living in Canada... and there are around 3 million of us!
I wrote a Canadian cookbook for us.
For those of us who not only crave our Tourtiere and buttertarts, but would give anything to do shots of Chalet Sauce again.
For those of us who die a little inside when we see what is sold as “Canadian Bacon” - anemic little rounds of ham, not the robust deliciousness of the back bacon we once knew.
For those of us who have given up on ordering “poutine” abroad, knowing full well that there’s a chance that whatever ends up being presented will end up with a fried egg - or some other nonsense - on top.
For those of us who have caved to craving and paid $3-4+ for a Wunderbar, shipped from Amazon.
For those of us who have tried to explain to friends that Sweet and Sour sauce is NOT the same as what we were used to back home.
Of course, this book features fantastic recipes for buttertarts, tourtiere, poutine, Nanaimo Bars, and more... but there are also recipes for many of the standard sauces, condiments, beverages, and snack foods that Canadians typically buy off the shelf - never having a need to make them from scratch.
My “Big Autistic Superpower” - being able to replicate food by taste - has never been put to use as frequently as it has since I found myself detached from my favourite Canadian foods!
That's not to say you have to be a Canadian expat to enjoy this book, by the way. Homemade versions of Canadian favourites are great for people who are looking for less additives in their food, who are gluten-free (there are great GF versions included!), who aren't Canadian but are looking to expand their culinary horizons, and those who love a Canadian expat and want to surprise them with FOOD. (Or a book!)
The recipes are easy to make, with simple, straightforward instructions. Measurements are provided in both US and metric units. This Canadian cookbook includes more than 120 recipes, and features gorgeous full colour photography for each recipe.
Paperback, 242 pages
Release Date: October 2, 2017
ISBN: 978-0-9976608-4-5
Publisher: Celebration Generation
This book is available on Amazon, click here to read the reviews, or purchase there.
Interested in making some tasty Canadian food, and want to get started right away? Here are a few sample recipes from this Canadian cookbook... as well as a few others that I've developed since publishing it!:
Confetti Bars
Creme de Menthe Nanaimo Bars
Gluten-Free Cretons
Dill Pickle Cream Cheese Dip
French Canadian Pea Soup
Gluten-Free Beaver Tails
Gluten-Free Chicken Mushroom Tourtiere
Gluten-Free Cod au Gratin
Gluten-Free Cod Cheeks & Dressing
Gluten-Free Imperial Cookies
Gluten-Free Nanaimo Bar Brownies
Gluten-Free Pirate Cookies
Homemade Clodhoppers
Homemade Crunchie Bars
Honey Dill Dipping Sauuce
Honey Garlic Cooking Sauce
How to make Peameal Bacon & Back Bacon
Homemade Beep
Maple Butter Tart Liqueur
Maple Butter Tarts
Maple White Cheddar Popcorn
Maraschino Cherry Nanaimo Bars
Mocha Nanaimo Bars
Moon Mist Ice Cream
Partridgeberry Pie
Partridgeberry Wine
Poutine - The Way *I* Do it
Puffed Wheat Squares
Savoury Alligator Pie
Schmoo Torte
Sucre à la Crème
Tiger Tail Ice Cream
Vegetarian Donairs / Vegan Donair "Meat"
The source material cake is one of the things Canadians returning home rush to buy when visiting. For me, it's ALL about the "frosting" - and this recipe *nailed* it!
A small selection of the 120+ recipes included in More Than Poutine:
All Dressed, Dill Pickle, and Ketchup Popcorn Seasonings
BBQ Sauces & Marinades*
Canadian Style Plum Sauce
Candy Bars (various)*
Cod Cakes
Cream Cheese Dips*
Classic fruit drink from Nova Scotia*
Ginger Beef
Green Onion Cakes
Frozen Chocolate Cake*
Imperial Cookies
Pea meal & Back Bacon
Maple Wine
Montreal Smoked Meat
Montreal Steak Spice
Montreal Style Bagels
Newfoundland Mustard Pickles
Salt Beef
Snack Cakes (various)*
Spicy Fried Potato Slices*
Tiger Tail Ice Cream
Winnipeg Style Rye Bread
* Recipes that are VERY accurate replicas of store-bought items. As we are not affiliated with any of the source material producers, these items are named differently in the book.
Books, Love, & Lattes
Domestic Dreamboat
Don Day in SMA
Girl Heart Food
Joyce of Cooking
One Two Culinary Stew
The Cooking Ladies
The Foodolic
"More Than Poutine" Campaign and Updates:
More Than Poutine Kickstarter Campaign
The Most Expensive Recipe to Develop for More Than Poutine Is... - May 3, 2017
Because Science! - April 13, 2017
Checking In! (I should try to get more creative on these titles) - March 23, 2017
Checking In, Some Development Updates - March 9, 2017
Back from Winnipeg and Ready to Go! - February 27, 2017
Almost There! - February 21, 2017
Stretch Goal Update! - February 13, 2017
Checking In - February 3, 2017
Checking In! (Spoilers: I'm Alive.) - January 29, 2017
Bizarre Update, Sorry! - January 26, 2017
Marinade Update.. and Let's Talk Peameal / Back Bacon! - January 23, 2017
Opinions Needed - January 21, 2017
Funded! - January 20, 2017
They Like Us! - January 18, 2017
First Update! - January 17, 2017
This book would not have been possible without the generous support of the following people:
@IamRiversmom, A Hungry Canadian, A. Palisoc, Aaron Jeffries, Abbey & Chris Thompson, Adam Cayley, Adam Grossman, Adam Mansell, Adam McCall, Adrian Cumming, Adrian Dewhurst, Adrian S., AGM, Aimee Wilson, AJS, Alan Baltis, Alan Eisen, Alana Duran, Alastair Bridgewater, Alexander Meyer, Alexandre Rodrigues, Alicia Morse, Alison Akers, Allan Simmons, Allen, Aly McArdle, Alyxander Hanson, Amber L, Amber Raden, Amber W., Amy Fred, Amy Pankratz, Amy Reams, Amy Williams-Hopkins, Andrea, Andrew Gaydish, Andru Maggert, Anita Phagan, Ann Lewis, Anne-Marie Cuneo, Annie Lynsen, Anonymous, Anonymous, Anonymous, Anonymous, Answermam, Aphrodite, Arleen Zazulak, Arrart Kongtaln, Aude Li Sing, August Haas, Barb H Andersen, Ben D., Ben Knuchel, Ben L, Best Sister in Law Ever, Beth Lareau, Beth M, Beth McCloy, Betsy Krueger, Bill DeGrandpre, Bill Harris, BladeWolf, Blaine Wasylkiw, Bob Carrick, Brad McNee, Brandon Davidson, Brita Outzen, Bryant, C Jordan Farmer, Canadian friend, CanadienBakin, Carl J K Teale, Carole Hamm, Caroline Sorensen, Carolyn Hazen, Caryn Neumann, casnjem, Cat Bailey, Cat Marx, Catriona, Charlotte Nickerson, Chelsea K., Cherish Lallone, Chris Birdsong, Chris Flint, Chris Heffner; PhD & Real Boy, Chris M Mixis, Chris Waiting, Christine Hill, Christopher J Banser, Clark & Carrol, Clint Williams, Corinna & Benjamin Scholtysik, Cory Kirchhofer, Crispin Merkel, CrispyMayhem, Cronk, Crystal Therese, Cynthia Kreitz, D.McDonald, Daelen Snow, Dafna Bener, Dale Matzkow, Dan & Beth Cozens, Dan Shakesby, Danny Mol, Darin Rebertus, Darren Brown. Darren Kramble, Daulton McGregor, Dave, Dave and Debbie DeBaeremaeker, David Cadoret, Dave from Calgary, Dave Ostlund, David, David Depperman, David Oplinger, Dayna Ducey, Deanna Willoughby, Deb Gunther, Deborah Spiesz, deborah.mebius, Dessa Burt, Devon F, Diana Kitching De Leon, Dr. D. Hauser, Dr. Jim Rittenhouse, Dr. Stephen Bluestein, Duncan C. RAY, dynamite547, E. Lynne Fitzmorris, E.M. Middel, Edward Dinnen, Ehud, Eileen LaBoone, EJ, Elaine Laney, Elisabeth and James Leatherman, Ellen, EMC2, Emery Steffen, Emma Cameron, Ep, Eric G, Eric Z, Erica Briggs Webster, Erik Wintz, Felicia, Felix Leech, Fiona T., Florian Riemey, G P Gottfried, G$, Gary Bratzel, Gary Peterson, George Gibbs, Gord Campbell, Gregory Wright, Hairy Krishna, Haley S, Heather M. Hostetler, Heather Walker, Helen Treller, Hugo, If you could turn my name into a hill and have a jeep or truck climbing it with the Canadian and American flags waving in the breeze on poles at the back of the vehicle, that would be different, or you could just put (minus the quotes) "Now go away before I taunt you a second time." it's both obscure and not., In 90's style Wordart, Isabelle Desbiens, J. Scott Laing, Jaap Tuinman, Jack Mehoffer, Jake Mundhenke, Jakob de Pina Pääjärvi, James Arnold, James C Howard, Jamie McKendry, Jamie Zierfus, Jamieson Whitehead, Jan Arthur, Janet HW, Janet VanElslander, Jason Peacock, Jay Varjassy, Jay Warner, JD Hovland, Jean Wiersma, Jeff Jorgenson, Jeff Schmidt, Jeff Testani, Jeff Wentworth, Jeffrey L Bergman, Jenn Burrell, Jenna Gibson, Jennifer L, Jennifer M. Brown, Jennifer Read, Jens Mankel, Jentry McGee, Jeremy R Perera, Jessi Doi, Jim White, JoDean, Jody Carlson, Jody Pederson, Joel Perkins, John and Valerie, John Carroll, John Deyeso, John Hinds, Joi Harris, Jolize Stofberg, Jonathan D, Joscha Pirtle, Joseph Hoopman, Joseph Ozdemir, Josh Thomson, JR, Judy Hogan, Julie A, Julie, Julie Lebeau, Juno Won, Justin "Otter" Williams, Justin Trudeau, K Mahoney, K. Ceretzke, Kaia G., Kaigo, Kanani, Karen and Steve Williams, Karen Heffernan, Karenza, Kari Ann Hawthorne, Karin M, Karine Charlebois, Karl Armstrong, Katherine Savidge, Kathy Hum, Katie, Keebler Hammons, Keith Alan Rodwell, Kelly and Megan McGuire, Ken Lobaugh, Kenneth Scott Huntley, Kevin J. Lee, Kim Hamilton, Kimberley Timmings, Kirk Grentzenberg, Kyle Anderson, Kyle Leinbach, Kyle Miller-Junk, L. Thai, Lane Becker, Laura Tabolich, Laurie Foster, Leonidas, Leslie DuBay, Lisa B, Lisa Molle, Lloyd Kelly, Lora M., Louis-André Pelletier,, Lucas M. Dietz, Luke A. Sinden, LuMo, Lyla Frasier, M Sussman, Madelaine, Mahan Harirsaz, Mandi Strelow Burch, Marcus Apel, Marek Wysocki, Margaret St. John, Maria, Mari Schmidt, Marian J Todd, Marianya, Marissa S., Mark Coutu, marnigairhan, Martin Legg, Matt Hudson, Matthew Bonnema, Matthew P., Melani Weber, Melissa Rian, Melody Smith, Melozi Scott, Michael G, Michael Hayoun, Michael Meservy, Michael Parkes, Michael Robertson, Michelle and John Redding, Michelle Ashman, Michelle Beaudet, Michelle Schlies, Mike, Mike B, Mike Barnebey, Mike Turner, Miriam Krause, Mirit Schneider, MisterBoots, M. Oberg, MPR , Nancy Brown, Nancy P, Nat Krieger, Nathan Pugh, Nathaniel Senff, Neil Graham, nicfromtalgarno, NikoHB, Nita White, Normand Frechette, Not picky :), Nurseychic, Okcyn, Olivier Gilliotte, P S Preiss, P&K Roppel, Pangur Bán, Patrick St. Jean, Paul Cooper, Paula Taylor, Pavlushka Figuereo, Peter J Lumia Jr, Peter Kallio, Peter/Dorian, Philippe Gamache, phoenixcreations, Poutine JimmyG, Quentin Ellis, R Fejes, R Hamilton, R Sangster-Kelly, R. Forsythe, Rachel Cleveland, Rachel F Smith, Rae Goodman, Randy Mosiondz, rgoguen, Richard & Kim, Richard L. Schreiber, Richard T. Smith, Rick Kmetz, Ferda., Rob J. D., Rob P, Rob Salkin, Robert B, Robert Sanchez, Roberto Petrella, Robyn Russ, Rorschach Graham, S. Chung, S. Kelly, Sabra Staudenmaier, Safiyeh Glass, Salmon family, Sam Kimelman, Samantha Ross, Sara, Sarah Burke, Sarah Elizabeth, Sarah Fuentez, Sarah Kimberly, Sasha Dillman, Scott K, Scott Warner, Sean and Chantal Rickerd, Sean Day, Sean Guerino, Sebastian Wasser, shanon thompson, Sharon Bussey-Reschka, Shawn Bakken, Shelly & Michelle DelCartney, Sherri Axcell, S.Holmes, Simcha Gralla, Simon Blanchette, slate007, SLK, S L Puma, SmilingRex Reyes, Spank Williams, Stacey K, Steph Turner, Steve "Bob" Martin, steve.bozenhard, Steven, Steven and Jayci DeVito, Sure :), Tegan Brandi, Teresa H., The BellRidge Family, The Duke of Awesome, The Foxes Den South, The Gerding Family, The Halstead Family, The Materninators, The Missing Persons League, The Rowe Family, Theo Sparks, Thomas Amon, Thomas M. Colwell, Thomas Reid, Tiril Pollard, tkelly, Tom, Tom Blake, Tom Hogan, Tom Simard, Tormiester, Travesty, Treava, Trish & Gary YYJ-SEA, Upside down flashing neon :P, Veronica R, Vidya Travis, Vincent Hubau, W.A. Brown, Will Brown & Joan Wyatt, William C Crawford, William F. Bidlack, William Nichols, Wintersrun, Wissam Rashed, Worrall Family, Written in penguins, Yes, Zac Malo, Zach Crawford
Thank you!