Wash peaches and chop them into small chunks, discarding any brown patches.
Add peaches to a large pot. Add sugar, stir well. Cover and let it sit for a few hours, stirring every once in a while.
After about 2-3 hours, the sugar should have nicely macerated the peaches, and have extracted as much juice as possible. Add as much of the water as your pot can handle, bring ALMOST to a boil.
Once water starts bubbling, turn the temp to low and simmer for 1 hour. Think more “keep it warm”, than any kind of active simmer.
While the pot is simmering, prepare your primary fermenter bucket:
Wash and sanitize a 2 gallon plastic fermenter, lid, stopper, air lock, and nylon straining bag. (The bag is optional, we don’t bother!)
Place raisins, acid blend, yeast nutrient, and pectic enzyme into the plastic fermenter.
Affix the stopper to the lid of the fermenter, cover and set aside.
Once the hour is up, remove peaches from heat, allow to cool. It doesn’t have to be all the way to room temperature, just cool enough that if it splashes on you, it won’t hurt - that’s a good guideline
Carefully pour peaches and water into the fermenter - into the nylon bag, if using. Tie off the bag - if applicable - and top up with any remaining water.
Affix air lock to lid, cover the bucket, and allow to fully cool over night.
For the sake of consistency in readings - and therefore accuracy in ABV calculations - this should be done where you plan to let the wine ferment for the next few months - usually a basement.